Landon Jones and Jessie Knorr

Landon Jones.jpeg
Jessie Knorr.JPG


Revolution starts with your imagination.

Who were you before the world told you who to be?

How do we heal the parts that keep us from dreaming?

Bio: Landon and Jessie are multidisciplinary artists that have been aiding the magical rebellion together since 2009. They both grew up in rural Montana, going against the grain and never adhering to prescribed normality. They were going through seasons of loneliness and self-doubt when they both serendipitously began working for a local green witch (herbalist gardener). Their connection then flourished in mud and sun as they learned the art of growing. Their kindred connection that started as a seed has now grown into a life-long friendship. Together they have made music, birthed the Free Spirit Zine, danced on parking garage rooftops, and celebrated imagination through craft and installation.

Jessie’s Bio: Jessie Knorr is an artist working across disciplines to explore ways of healing and building community through art. A common theme in her work is creating spaces where art and craft come together in conversation. She has recently been working on publishing the second edition of the Free Spirit Zine. This zine circulates hidden creativity and showcases over thirty artists from different backgrounds. Her collaborative installation, Spirit Revival, will be on display through July 19th.

Landon’s Bio: Landon Jones is a multimedia artist, poet, and musician who plays across mediums in hopes of creating joy and healing growth. He believes art is for everyone and that it can help heal us all. He describes himself as a “thrifty scavenger” and prefers creating art with non-precious or recycled materials. Some of Landon's biggest influences are nature, collaboration, children, and the child inside his heart.


Dona Michelle Seder


Elisa Brown